Loan Application Checklist
Get your ducks in a row with our loan documentation checklist.
The requirements listed below will vary depending on your situation. We don't always need all of these items, but having these documents on hand will ensure that you're fully prepared.
100 points ID: drivers license, Medicare & ATM Card
Birth or citizenship certificate
Medicare card
Utilities bill (less than 3 months old)
Rates notice (less than 3 months old)
Tax assessment notice (less than 12 months old).
One recent statement for each of your bank accounts and/or debts
One statement received in the mail (all pages). Transaction histories printed from the internet are only acceptable if accompanied by an old statement received in the mail.
One recent rental statement for any investment properties you own.
Your two most recent pay slips
Last year’s group certificate (optional)
2 years personal tax returns.
2 years personal tax assessment notices.
2 years company / partnership / trust tax returns
2 years financial statements (if available).
Your ABN for Low Doc / No Doc loans.
100 points ID: drivers license, Medicare & ATM card
Council rates notice for the property being used as security for the guarantee
One recent statement for any loan on that property
If you have any other income such as from interest and dividends, superannuation/pension/annuity, foreign income or government income sources, please bring along evidence of these.
Either a building contract OR a formal written quote OR a tender
Plans (council approved OR draft)
Specifications (often included in the quote or building contract)
Council rates notice for the property or properties that you are using as security
6 months statements for your current home loan.
6 months statements received in the mail (all pages). Transaction histories printed from the internet are only acceptable if accompanied by one old statement received in the mail
Evidence of your deposit, such as a bank statement
If you have saved your deposit then please provide 3 months bank statements OR an internet transaction history for 3 months as well as one statement you received in the mail.
Copy of the contract of sale (not required for pre-approval)